St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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Diversity at St Philip's Catholic Primary School


Our society has seen an increase in racism recently and over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in racist incidents. Reports indicate a rise from 31,115 cases in March 2013 to 101,906 in March 2023, marking a 190% increase over ten years. Public perception of racism in the UK reflects these trends. As of September 2024, 46% of people in Great Britain believed that racism was somewhat prevalent, while 34% felt there was a great deal of racism in the country.  

In order to tackle this, we have taken an anti-racist approach at St Philip’s Primary School. Part of this anti-racist approach has been to develop an anti-racist statement (see below). This statement outlines presents our commitment and approach to structural and overt racism.  

St Philip’s Anti-Racist Statement

At St Philip's Catholic Primary School, we believe that everyone is special because we are all made by God. We are all different, and that makes our school family amazing!

Jesus teaches us to be kind and to care for others. This means we treat everyone with respect, no matter what they look like or where they come from. We say no to racism and unfairness because we know that God loves us all the same.

At St Philip's, we try to do good in the world by being fair, loving, and welcoming to everyone. Together, we can make our school a happy and safe place for all.

Teaching and Learning

At St Philip’s, we are committed to teaching our pupils how to be anti-racist. This is more than being non-racist. The difference being that anti-racism is focused on standing up against racism and, ultimately, ending racism. We know that this is a huge challenge. However, this does not deter us.  

We use a number of tools to support our pupils and staff to have an anti-racist approach. These include: 

  • Staff training and CPD  
  • Under current review: Lessons on race equality and racism 
  • Celebrating Black History Month and The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
  • Assemblies 
  • Under current review: Ensuring our curriculum includes learning about global majority figures and regularly reviewing this
  • Ensuring our reading books include diverse authors and characters and that they focus on contexts from all around the globe
  • Display in school celebrating the rich diversity and cultures within our school community



Primary (KS1 and KS2) lessons — Anti-Racism Education