St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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What is mathematics? It is only a systematic effort of solving puzzles posed by nature.
Shakuntala Devi – Mental Calculator and Writer

Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing the child's ability to calculate, reason and solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and patterns throughout their everyday lives. We are currently following the Scholastic 100 Maths Lessons scheme

Foundation Stage/ Key Stage 1

Teaching in maths will ensure that appropriate connections are made between the sections on 'number' and 'shape, space and measures'.

In the Foundation Stage and through Key Stage 1 pupils develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. Learning to count, read, write and order numbers to 100 and beyond. Developing a range of mental calculation skills and using these confidently in various settings and situations. Investigating shape and space through practical activity which builds their understanding of their immediate environment. They are introduced to and emersed in mathematical language, using it to talk about methods and explain their own reasoning when solving problems.

From September 2024 we will introducing Mastering Number from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). This will run alongside the current mathematics lesson and will support the development of fluency and subitising of numbers throughout Key Stage 1 providing a solid maths knowledge for moving into Key Stage 2 with.

Key Stage 2

Teaching in KS2 ensures that effective and efficient connections are being made between 'number', 'shape, space and measures', and 'handling data'.

During Key Stage 2 pupils use the number system more confidently and fluently. They move from counting reliably to calculating fluently with all four number operations. They always try to tackle a problem with mental methods before using any other approach. The Calculation Policy shows the methods taught throughout the school and the progression of the four operations. It is important that we work together to use the same calculation methods in order that we do not confuse the children.

Pupils explore features of shape and space and develop their measuring skills in a range of contexts. They discuss and present their methods and reasoning using a wider range of mathematical language, diagrams and charts.

How we cater for pupils who are higher attaining

Where possible higher attaining pupils will be taught with their own class and stretched through differentiated work and challenges, challenging and developing their reasoning and systematically approaches, using resources from providers such as nrich and National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). Children will get the opportunity to participate in regular challenging activities and take part in competitions where appropriate.

How we cater for pupils with particular needs

The daily Mathematics lesson is appropriate for almost all pupils. Teachers will involve all pupils through differentiation by task, resources or adult. Some children who are not on track to make expected progress or reach Age Related Expectations will receive interventions in small groups or occasionally 1:1. Providing the support and knowledge to help with aspects of Mathematics they find more challenging or yet to master.

Pupils with special educational needs and EHC plans

Teachers will aim to include all pupils fully in their daily Mathematics lessons. The majority of children benefit from the emphasis on oral and mental work and participating in watching and listening to other children demonstrating and explaining their methods. Very occasionally special arrangements will be made for children with particular needs and they may follow an individualised programme to give them the support they need.


Useful websites:

MyMaths – All children have an individual log in and tasks are regularly set as part of homework. Children also have access to other lessons, games and activities to support their maths learning.

 TTRockstars – KS2 children have access to Times Table Rockstars, a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning Multiplication tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division.

Useful links: A Maths Dictionary for Kids.

Targets - Assessment without levels information for Parents:

Download Band 1 Maths Targets for Year 1

Download Band 2 Maths Targets for Year 2

Download Band 3 Maths Targets for Year 3

Download Band 4 Maths Targets for Year 4

Download Band 5 Maths Targets for Year 5

Download Band 6 Maths Targets for Year 6