St Philip's Catholic Primary School

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Our Governors

Roles and responsibilities

St. Philip’s Governors are a dedicated team who share a real commitment and interest in the life and work of the school.

The Governors meet as a full governing body at least three times a year, make decisions collectively and conduct detailed business through a series of committees. There are 2 committees, the 'Teaching and Learning Committee' and the 'Finance and Resource Committee', both committees meet three times a year.

The school Governors act as a corporate body and follow strict protocols for governance. Their role is a strategic one, with the day-to-day management of the school the responsibility of the Headteacher.

The Governors operate under a legal framework and their core functions are:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

In addition to these duties, as a voluntary aided state school, St Philip’s Governors are responsible for Admissions; are the formal employer for staff; and are required to ensure sufficient funds are available to meet our statutory contribution of 10% towards all building works and IT costs.



Name of Governor

Governor Type

Appointed By

Date of Appointment

Current Term of Office


Julia Webb




12-01-2023 – 11-01-2027

Chair of Governors

Teaching & Learning Committee

SEND Link Governor

Penny Heath




20-10-2020 – 19-10-2024

Vice-Chair of Governors

Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee

PHSE Link Governor

Mike Evans




12-10-2021 – 11-10-2025

Chair of Finance & Resources Committee

Finance Link Governor

Joanna Sanchez

Head Teacher




Teaching & Learning Committee

Sarah McCurdy

Acting Head Teacher




Teaching & Learning Committee

Josh Davis


Staff election


23-09-2021 – 22-09-2024

Teaching & Learning Committee

Teresa Horan




12-06-2023 – 11-06-2027

Teaching & Learning Committee

Safeguarding Link Governor

MHEW Link Governor

Sports Premium Link Governor

Hugh Jones

Local Authority

Local Authority


27-04-2023 – 26-04-2027

Finance Committee

Veronica Jones




20-01-2021 – 19-01-2025

Teaching & Learning Committee

EYFS Link Governor




Parent election


07-12-2021 – 06-12-2024

Teaching & Learning Committee

Curriculum Link Governor


Historic Members – left within the last 12 months

Name of Governor

Governor Type

Appointed By

Date of Appointment

Last Term of Office


Stephen Green


Parent election


07-12-2021 – 06-12-2024



Finance Committee

Health & Safety Link Governor

Peter Devito




06-06-2023 – 05-06-2027

Finance Committee

Jennifer Anthony




22-07-2020 – 21-07-2024

Finance Committee

Training Link Governor


 Associate Members


Job Title

Appointed By

Date of Appointment

Current Term of Office


Siobhan Foden

School Business Manager

Governing Body



Finance Committee

No voting rights

Jackie Nolan

School Business Manager




Finance Committee

No voting rights




Appointed By

Date of Appointment

Current Term of Office

Janet Schofield

Governing Body





Foundation Governor (1)

Co-opted Governor (1)

Parent Governor (1)


Profiles of St Philip’s current Governors are set out below

FOUNDATION GOVERNORS (appointed by the Bishop to represent the Church) Term of office four years

Mrs Julia Webb (Chair of Governors)

Julia became a foundation governor in January 2023. Julia is a retired teacher with 20 years' experience in Catholic schools. She also served as a governor at St Philip's in the 1990s when three of her four children were attending the school. She is a parishioner in Uckfield where she is a member of the Justice and Peace group.

Ms Penelope Heath (Vice Chair of Governors; Chair of Teaching and Learning)

Penny joined the Governing Body in May 2016. She chairs the Governors’ Teaching and Learning Committee which deals with the school’s quality of provision, standards of teaching and pupil achievement. Penny has an honours degree in Neurobiology, and has a special interest in mental health and wellbeing. She has had an association with St Philip's since 2006, with both of her daughters having attended school here. Penny has over 30 years’ customer service and safety experience working worldwide for a leading airline corporation. Penny is currently serving her second term in office.

Mr Michael Evans (Chair of Finance & Resources)

Michael’s son attends St Philip’s and his daughter is now at St Paul's and they are all parishioners at St Philip’s. Michael is a Chartered Accountant by profession and works as a professional adviser in commercial property. He has previous experience as Chair of a charity supporting people with a rare neurological disease. He has also been active in his local community as the chair of a group to try and save a local pub. He hopes that some of this experience can be helpful in his role as Governor following his appointment in October 2021.


Mrs Veronica Jones

Veronica joined the governing board in August 2016. She is a parishioner at St John the Evangelist, Herons Ghyll where she is a reader and a part of the welcoming team and singing group. Veronica has over 35 years teaching experience in both secondary and primary education in the UK and overseas. She has also worked outside teaching gaining useful experience in the commercial world. Veronica lived in Malawi, Africa, for 3 years with her husband and small son, teaching in a local international primary school. Veronica is serving her second term in office.


Mrs Theresa Horan

Theresa was delighted to have been asked to be a governor at St Philips. In Theresa's words "It is a lovely school with a fantastic staff and lovely children". She has worked in school admin for over 30 years. She is a member of the congregation at Our Lady Immaculate & St Philip Neri and volunteers locally. She hopes that her experience working in schools will stand her in good stead in her role as a governor.

PARENT GOVERNORS (elected by the parent body) Term of office three years

 Ms. Elizabeth Rendon-Morales 

Elizabeth joined the governing Body in December 2021, having her daughter attending St Philips. Elizabeth has a PhD, MSc and BSc degree in telecommunications engineering. She has been working in University education since 2013 with previous professional experience in the telecom engineering industry. Elizabeth conducts research in microelectronics and enabling technologies for applications in robotics and medicine. She is passionate about supporting young women and children to pursue careers in Engineering, Science and Technology.

LOCAL AUTHORITY GOVERNOR (nominated by East Sussex Children’s Services) Term of office four years

Mr Hugh Jones (Local Authority Governor)

Hugh is a parishioner at St John the Evangelist, Heron’s Ghyll, where he is a member of the Finance Committee. Hugh is a retired Chartered Accountant and after qualifying in London was seconded to Malawi for three years. He subsequently worked in the insurance sector and latterly for a global law firm which included a voluntary project working with an academy school in North London. Since retirement Hugh has become the finance trustee of a charity based in Lewes which seeks to prevent homelessness by supporting people into rented accommodation. His only experience of working in education was teaching in Kenya during a gap year before going to university. Hugh joined the governing board in April 2023.

Useful Documents

CES Code of Conduct for Governors of a Governing Body

Register of Interests 2022-23

Governors Attendance Register 21-22

Governors Parent Questionnaire 2019

If you need to contact the Governors, please phone the school office on 01825 762302 or by email: